Services Offered
Reiki / Energy Healing
Energy Healing consists of alternative healing methods saddled largely in the unseen, the unheard and the unknown, which makes it tricky to convince skeptics to opt into Energy Healing as a valid healing modality. As an Energy Healer with multiple modalities under my belt, I utilize various energy healing techniques throughout each session. These include Reiki - bringing your energy levels up to snuff, reducing pain and stress; Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) - releasing negative emotions and replacing them with positive ones; and Psychic/Mediumship - connecting with loved ones who have passed, connecting with past lives, and reading a person’s energy profile to provide answers to questions the client may have.

Mentoring Sessions
Mentoring Sessions allow participants to learn more about themselves and recurring patterns in their lives.
These one hour sessions are devoted to help Empaths and HSPs (Highly Sensitive Persons) understand their sensitivities and how to manage their energy. This type of person is frequently a medical mystery, going to multiple doctors with symptoms that no medical professional can pinpoint. Often, folks who are sensitive also have sensitive children who aren’t able to articulate what is necessarily going on with them either. For instance, if a child always gets a stomach ache before going to the dentist, they are likely experiencing stress and anxiety with the dentist, and their body is intrinsically responding.
"Life is a balance between holding on and letting go."
- Rumi